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Re: Tag reorg

> (This is why removing tags from a directory of 1800 dirs, one at
> time, is not a good idea.  It generates about 7 meg worth of
> metadata, whereas if you do it all at once, it's 70k of metadata :P)

Would it be useful, perhaps to do something like this:

For each project foo, create a branches/foo directory.

Within that directory, create all your ongoing tags, sub-branches,
mergepoints, etc; with the main working copy called "trunk" or
"branch" or something (resuling in branches/foo/trunk for example).

Then, when we close the branch, we're just removing one entry from the
branches/ directory and it all goes away together.

For snapshots, for example, we'd have tags/snapshot/<branch>/YYYYMMDD
like tags/snapshot/trunk/20051021 or tags/snapshot/gcc-4_1/20051114

I'm wondering if this results in more optimal svn performance, and
thinking it may result in more optimal developer performance.

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