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Re: atomic ops for powerpc

>>>>> Geoff Keating writes:

>> One could test at configure time if lwsync mnemonic is recognized
>> and emit a "sync" instruction if it is not.

Geoff> Why would that be better than using a .long?

	No reason.  I was being too conservative.

Geoff> You can't generate and emit labels, because the patterns must be  
Geoff> atomic.  I will try the $-16 stuff.  (I'm not too enthusiastic about  
Geoff> it, though; it's one thing when it's $+4, it's another when you're  
Geoff> skipping around in 7-instruction patterns.)

	I guess I'm missing something.  Why couldn't one generate labels
and then use %l to emit them in the output template?  I appreciate your
trying $-16 as well.

Thanks, David

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