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Re: [Ada] Fix PR 19900, 19408, 19140, 20255 and ACATS tests

* Richard Kenner:

> I'd prefer to go with this bug.  As I said, renaming discriminants in
> record extensions is a pretty obscure Ada feature.

Are you sure?  I suppose we are talking about this piece of code:

            type Derived2 (D : Int) is new Parent (D1 => D,
                                                   D2 => D,
                                                   B => False);

I've actually written code like this:

   type Store (Domains : access Dnslogger.Domains.Domain_DB)
   is abstract tagged limited null record;

   type Simple_Store is abstract new Store with record
      Primary : Enyo.DB.Databases.Database;
   end record;

And in another package:

   type Store (Domains : access Dnslogger.Domains.Domain_DB; Typ : DNAME_Type)
   is new Types.Simple_Store (Domains) with record
      DNAME_Index : Enyo.DB.Databases.Database;
   end record;

Is it really *that* obscure?

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