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Re: UCNs in identifiers

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Geoff Keating wrote:

> > Otherwise, the original spelling of each preprocessing token in the argument
> > is retained in the character string literal, except for special handling for
> > producing the spelling of string literals and character constants: a \
> > character is inserted before each " and \ character of a character constant
> > or string literal (including the delimiting " characters), except that it is
> > implementation-defined whether a \ character is inserted before the \
> > character beginning a universal character name.
> So #\u00AA gets turned into "\u00AA".

You can stringize twice.  So it's actually C++ which has the strict 
requirements for spelling preservation in this case, e.g.

#define h(x) #x
#define str(x) h(x)
const char *s = str(str(\u00AA));

(since in C99 you might just keep a UCN as a UCN when repeatedly 
stringizing a string, but in C++ the backslashes must be doubled: the 
special wording about implementation-definedness is not in C++).

Joseph S. Myers      (personal mail) (CodeSourcery mail) (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)

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