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Re: [arm] Use .init_array for static constructors.

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 00:47, Paul Brook wrote:

> The eabi doesn't mention how static destructor lists should be handled, though 
> it's implied that the atexit functionality makes these unnecessary.
> I've left the handling of .dtors unchanged.

The next draft does:

        R_ARM_TARGET1 is processed in a platform-specific manner. It may
        only be used in sections with the types  SHT_INIT_ARRAY,
        SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY, and SHT_FINI_ARRAY.  The relocation must be
        processed either in  the same way as R_ARM_REL32 or as
        R_ARM_ABS32: a virtual platform must specify which method is
        used.  If the  relocation is processed as R_ARM_REL32 then the
        section may be marked read-only and coalesced with other 
        read-only data, otherwise it may only be marked read-only if it
        does not require dynamic linking. 

However, you are right that this won't normally affect C++.


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