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Re: [PATCH] Variable Expansion in unroller + Register Pressure Utility

Revital Eres wrote:

Next, live ranges for each pseudo should be computed in a top-down traversal of the CFG. IE you just want to compute the first bb/insn you see it in, and the last bb/insn you see it in.

You also compute a bitvector per block saying what live ranges are live


it (this is the most expensive part of the algorithm).

Then, you compute block register pressure as follows
for each block (bb):
lvrsinbb = bitvector of lvrs in bb computed earlier.
(you can skip the handling of disjoint live ranges for a less accurate estimate)

This method looks similar to the one used in the patch.
Vlad, what do you think?

I can not understand what Daniel wrote (may be I am too stupid). I sent to Revital an algorithm to evaluate register pressure which I used for some project (e.g. live range splitting). As I wrote in my article of gcc summit there are two definitions of register pressure at a given point:

o wide one is a minimal number register needed to store values of pseudo-registers without spilling/restoring the pseudo-register.
o number of pseudo-register simulteniously living at given point

The first one is practcially impossible to evaluate because it is hard to predict what local/global/reload will do if there are enough hard registers not to spill. So my algorithm is based on the 2nd definition. The algorithm is very easy. When the pseudo-register starts living the register pressure is increased. When it dies, the register pressure decreases.

It is a bit complicated in reality when we have more one register file. In this case we calculate register pressure for each register class. For hard register it affects register pressure for each register class to which it belongs. For pseudo-register it is more complicated. Pseudo-register can get hard register only from its preffered or alternate class. In gcc these classes can be intersected and/or contain other register classes. So pressure of what register classes should be affected by the pseudo-register. I change register pressure only for minimal register class containing union of the preffered and alternate classes (corresponding this is the class of the pseudo-register for register pressure evaluation purpose or for transformation like register splitting based on it). E.g. many pseudo-registers for x86 has preffered register class AREG and alternative register class GENERAL_REGS. So the pseudo-register class will be GENERAL_REGS (because it contains AREG). If we used the same approch as for hard register, we could have register pressure for AREG is practically always high for each bb. I don't know a better solution for intersected register class problem. If somebody proposes better, I'd appreciate this.

This is about my algorithm used for the estimation of register pressure for BB (or region). Now I see that Revital added function estimate_register_pressure with a register as parameter which I don't understand. It just returns difference between number of available hard registers in class (which the pseudo-register belongs to for register pressure estimation purpose) and maximal register pressure in some blocks. Even if we are trying to create a pseudo-register in the basic blocks, the returned value says nothing because the new pseudo-register could be used in some point where the register pressure does not reach maximal value. So with my point of view it is not accurate evaluation to decide create or not the new pseudo-register.


Because the original purpose of this patch was to implement the
variable expansion optimization, I can suggest to
restrict the expansions to one or two in a loop and the user
could re-define the number of expansions if he preferred to apply it more.

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