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Re: "make check" failure in fixincludes

Roger Sayle wrote:
> Hi Loren,
> It looks like there's a "make check" failure in fixinclude that's
> possibly related to your 2004-09-13 check-in.  Unfortunately, its
> not immediately clear what the problem is...
>   #if defined( FREEBSD_GCC3_BREAKAGE_CHECK )
> ! #if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7
> --- 12,14 ----
>   #if defined( FREEBSD_GCC3_BREAKAGE_CHECK )
> ! #if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7 || __GNUC__ >= 3
> I'm not sure if there's a bad interaction between the two fixes;
> freebsd_gcc3_breakage_check and freebsd_gcc4_breakage_check?

The "tests/base" tree should be a copy of "tests/res",
whereas this looks like text compared against what one would
find in the "tests/inc" directory.  The three directories:

tests/base  --  what the files ought to look like after fixing
tests/inc   --  constructed-on-the-fly files that need to be fixed
tests/res   --  the results of the fix process

The fixinclude developer needs to understand any differences
between tests/base and tests/res.  If these differences are valid
(i.e. are expected results of a new fix), then move modified files
from tests/res to tests/base and commit them.

A very simple rule:

   DO NOT EVER HAND EDIT FILES IN tests/base !!!


Regards, Bruce

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