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Re: [patch] Lno branch merge part 8 -- canonical induction variablecreation

On Sat, 21 Aug 2004, Zdenek Dvorak wrote:

> Hello,
> > The simplest fix is to add a test for "TYPE_UNSIGNED () || flag_wrapv"
> > to the problematic transformation in your code.
> unfortunately this is not possible since it would totally cripple whole
> optimization (many of interesting induction variables are signed).

In that case the flags will need adding to expressions.

Note that loop optimizations with wrapping signed induction variables have 
to allow for the possibility that the loop might wrap around (induction 
variable, being incremented, goes from positive to negative) unless you 
can prove the loop bounds are such that this doesn't happen.

Joseph S. Myers      (personal mail) (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)

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