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Re: frv-*linux*: don't assume a C99 libc

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004, Alexandre Oliva wrote:

> Part of the problem is that quite often people will use the toolchain
> built for glibc to compile applications using the uClibc headers and
> libraries.  Having TARGET_C99_FUNCTIONS defined in this case
> potentially breaks programs.  I don't have a good suggestion on how to
> address this problem.  At first, I thought we might pull it off by

Provide a means for the library to provide the information about available
functions to GCC.  Cf. my proposals e.g.
<> for a facility for a
header preincluded in every translation unit so other library properties
can be communicated to the compiler (plus a pragma for this case to
communicate the availability of logf).  Though such a feature is on my C
conformance roadmap, it is some way down.  You would also need to change
at least one library, either glibc to communicate that the functions are
available (with the default for this target being that they aren't) or
uClibc to communicate that the functions aren't available.

Joseph S. Myers      (personal mail) (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)

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