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Re: [committed] libada merge part 3: cleanups

Richard Kenner wrote:
    I guess I've removed the ability to do 'make gnatlib'
    without doing 'make all-gcc' (a.k.a. 'make all' in the gcc subdir),
    since they're now in different Makefiles, and configuring the libada
    Makefile requires that GCC be built first.  (Actually, that requirement
    isn't strict; it requires that GCC be configured first and that $CC and
    some other variables be set properly during libada configuration.)

    (If that one ability is absolutely essential, I shall scream, because
    every other language library in GCC accepts this restriction, and it
    amounts to a severe restriction on ever cleaning up the GCC Makefile.)

I'm not sure I understand the issues fully, but it's most certainly the
case that the <target>/* directories won't be built and I expect "make
gnatlib" to work.  I typically have a dozen or more cross-compilers
built and do not have or need the cross-assemblers.
How are you building GCC? You're somehow avoiding building libgcc I guess? (Just building until the crash, perhaps?)

Well, anyway, 'make gnatlib' (make gnatlib-shared, make gnatlib-sjlj) in "gcc/ada/" should still work as well as it did before (though I don't know whether it did or not; if it didn't, it should be straightforward to fix). What was removed was doing the same thing in "gcc/".

You can also try the following from the top level:

make -k configure-target-libada (builds GCC, then configures libada; allows it to get past the failures while building GCC, which come from the lack of an assembler)
make -f <target>/libada/Makefile gnatlib

This should do precisely the same thing as doing 'make all-gcc' followed by 'make gnatlib' in the GCC subdir used to do.

If you were doing 'make gnatlib' in "gcc/" *without* building GCC first, I have other suggestions.

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