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Re: [tree-ssa] Improve memory characteristics of VDEFs

On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 15:23, wrote:

> Previously you did something like
> for (i = 0; i < VARRAY_ACTIVE_SIZE (vdefs); i++)
>   {
>     vdef = VARRAY_TREE (vdefs, i);
>     result = VDEF_RESULT (vdef);
>     source = VDEF_OP (vdef);
>   }
> Now the code looks like
> for (i = 0; i < VARRAY_ACTIVE_SIZE (vdefs) / 2; i++)
>   {
>     result = VARRAY_RESULT (vdefs, i);
>     source = VARRAY_OP (vdefs, i);
>   }

Assuming you use VDEF_RESULT and VDEF_OP like in that patch, rather that
VARRAY_RESULT and VARRAY_OP like in your example :-)

How about adding the NUM_VDEFS() though to make the loop more natural,
and to remove the dependence on client code from knowing its a VARRAY? 

#define NUM_VDEFS(vdef)		(VARRAY_ACTIVE_SIZE (vdefs) / 2)

for (i = 0; i < NUM_VDEFS (vdefs); i++)
    result = VDEF_RESULT (vdef, i);
    source = VDEF_OP (vdef, i);


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