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Re: [v3] doc update

On Wed, 12 Nov 2003, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:
> If you've got a better way....... I'm all for it.

Nope, it's fine; I just wanted to make sure it wasn't an oversight.

> >  - I don't understand the comment about link_name and vector::push_back
> >being a problem (in the section on alternative implementations). The
> >debug/release versions of push_back will mangle differently, as they
> >should.
> Here's what I had from the time (Aug?) that I looked at this:
> %$bld/H-x86-gcc.debug-apple/bin/g++ -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -c -O0
> %nm odr_1.o | grep push_back
> 00000000 W _ZNSt15_Release_vectorIiSaIiEE9push_backERKi
> 00000000 W _ZNSt6vectorIiSaIiEE9push_backERKi <-- __gnu_debug::push_back
> Thus, any file that uses vector::push_back would have this issue if
> compiled in mixed-mode.
> --
> Maybe this was wrong? If so, just add in corrections to the docs.

That would be a bug in the link_name patch, although I don't remember ever
seeing such a problem in the Apple compiler. I can't verify this, but I
hope it's just 3.3->3.4 porting sloppiness on my part.

> >I'm thrilled this patch is going in. There are a few minor issues we found
> >after the 6th patch; I'll try to get a patch in for this in the next few
> >days, unless Matt gets to it sooner.
> Well I'm thrilled too! Let's try to re-merge the Apple and FSF trees,
> huh? Help is definitely needed to keep the FSF code on top of it, and
> I'm counting on your help going forward! If you've got doc updates when
> you do the other bits, please include them.

I'm not the person to talk to about merging FSF/Apple trees, but I'll
submit a patch with the same bugfixes I sent to Apple and any doc updates
that I can think of. Perhaps Matt has some extra patches that have gone
into the Apple tree?


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