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Re: PATCH: enable Ada test suite

[Note: it may be better to take this discussion off line,
 and if there are interesting outcome, to send a summary to this list.
 I doubt people on this list are interested in following this issue
 closely. Anyway, I'll let you decide]

> ??? Doesn't work either, there is no macrosub.adb anywhere.

Should have been created by the command gnatchop macrosub.ada run

> Not even macrosub.ada works:

That's expected.

Do you have a working gnatchop in your path ?

I'd suggest replacing the calls to gnatchop by e.g.:

for i in $dir/support/{*.ada,*.a}; do
   gnatchop $i >> $dir/acats.log 2>&1

and check the file acats.log for errors.


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