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Re: Checking format specifiers

On Tuesday 22 July 2003 04:56 pm, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> > Right. Unfortunately:
> >   gcc/po> for i in *po ; do echo $i `grep fuzzy $i | wc -l` ; done
> >   be.po 399
> >   da.po 325
> ...
> What conclusion do you draw from these numbers? They look fine to me,
> and not at all unfortunate.

As my script has shown, we have ~2000 messages for which the number of % signs 
does not coincide. Assuming that % is not a character that appear overly 
often by itself in gcc's messages and is translated by something other than 
%, this means that we really have ~2000 potential sources for segfaults.

To make sure these messages are ok, we can either use a script like mine, or 
msgfmt --check. In the latter case, we will have to make sure that messages 
don't have the fuzzy flag. My conclusion is that making sure gcc doesn't get 
translated messages with the fuzzy flag is not about checking a few dozen 
messages, but that we are talking about a few thousand messages. 

> Why is disallowing fuzzy messages a big task? msgfmt ignores them by
> default, and this is the desirable behaviour.

Maybe I misunderstand you: are you saying that messages with the fuzzy flag 
are not only ignored when checking, but also for printing native language 
error messages?


Wolfgang Bangerth              email:  

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