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Re: Checking format specifiers

> If gcc delivers fuzzy
> translations to users, I recommend that this is changed ASAP.

Right. Unfortunately:
  gcc/po> for i in *po ; do echo $i `grep fuzzy $i | wc -l` ; done
  be.po 399
  da.po 325
  de.po 7
  el.po 1114
  es.po 0
  fr.po 366
  ja.po 1280
  nl.po 1432
  sv.po 984
  tr.po 366

> So I revert my earlier acceptance - unless it ignores fuzzy messages, it
> is likely unusable, and should not be automatically invoked by the TP
> robot.

I would be happy if we used msgfmt --check. This does all I want, if we 
disallow fuzzy messages. That's a mighty big task, though.


Wolfgang Bangerth              email:  

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