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Re: libiberty: hashtab allocation functions with an extra argument

> Callback has an opaque pointer already.  I added one to alloc/free. 
> That leaves hash, compare-equal, and delete.  Do you think there's a
> use for extra opaque pointers to those?  I've no idea.  Nor do I know
> if they should come from an argument to the function which calls the
> delete callback (like htab_trav) or when the htab is created (like
> alloc/free).

I meant, are there other parameters we might want to specify when
creating a hash table, but I guess we don't.  Ok, post an updated
patch summarizing what we've discussed and let's see if it's a go.

> So my inclination is not to do them now unless someone needs them.


> I don't know if I like _ex, but if you prefer it to _arg I can
> certainly do that.  We all seem to be short on better naming.

Neither is very good, but I have a slight preference for "ex" meaning
"extended" vs "arg" meaning "one of the callbacks takes an arg, and
here it is".  It's more generic, which would make it more of a
candidate for a standard naming convention in the future.

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