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Re: PATCH: --with-sysroot support for GCC

On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 04:20:57PM -0500, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:

 > Sysroot is this really neat way of organizing cross-compilers to full target
 > systems (i.e. something which could run a compiler natively).  You just say
 > --with-sysroot=/path/to/root when configuring, and in /path/to/root you put
 > a copy of the target filesystem.  Binutils will search for libraries and
 > startfiles there, GCC will look there for headers, et cetera.

...and for extra credit...

It would be really sweet if there were a -sysroot=... compile-time
option, as well ... say you have 3 ARM test systems which use NFS root,
and your build host has one compiler:

	gcc -sysroot=/export/root/armbox1
	gcc -sysroot=/export/root/armbox2
	gcc -sysroot=/export/root/armbox3

...etc. to compile a program against the 3 different platforms
(maybe they are running slightly diffrent OS versions, or something,
for example).

        -- Jason R. Thorpe <>

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