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Re: [PATCH/RFA] SH: DWARF2 exception handling

kaz Kojima wrote:
> Joern Rennecke <> wrote:
> > So, is sh_set_return_address, after calling calc_live_regs, you

Oops, that should have read 'in sh_set_return_address'.

> > can just check
> > if (live_regs_mask[pr_reg/32] & (1 << (pr_reg % 32)))
> > to decide if you should write directly into the pr register,
> > or if you need to store into a stack slot.
> If PR / PR_MEDIA_REG isn't life, then the epilogue returns with
> rts / blink trN, r63 without popping pr_reg. Right? Does it mean
> that we can set PR / (the result of sh_media_register_for_return)
> to RA directly in sh_set_return_address in such case, without
> using any stack slots? 	

Basically, yes.  The epilogue for sh[1-4] / SHcompact uses rts,
as you said, and SHmedia uses ptabs r18,tr0; blink tr0,r63 .
[For the bystanders: PR_MEDIA_REG is r18.]
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