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Re: [basic-improvements] try/finally support for c/c++


On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Jakub Jelinek wrote:

> If __try block was exited by return, then the function returns after
> finishing the __finally block (unless inside other __try block), if
> __try is exited normally, then execution continues after the end
> of the finally block,

This would be fairly weird semantic.  If the finally is formulated as a
destructor of an anonymous object (like Richard suggested) then it should
be run after the __try block exits, in _whichever_ way it does so.  This
also makes much more sense to me.  I wouldn't like to have to write:

__try {
  if (bla())
__finally {

just because the __finally block isn't executed sometimes.  It also makes
the rule quite easy.  The finally is executed after the try block, no
matter what.


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