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In response to your resume posted on the Web

Title: Please profile

We found your resume on the Web and we'd like you to take a look at employment opportunities at Acclaim. We are currently hiring great people to work on games like Turok and other next gen titles in production and pre-production!

Click here to join our talent community. You may find the perfect opportunity listed on our web site right now! But if you don't, please register anyway because new vacancies open up all the time. We'll send an e-mail as soon as YOUR job becomes available. And, if you know anyone else that might be interested in Acclaim, please forward this email so they can check us out.

Hey, if you don't want to work here - maybe you just want to play our games ... here's a preview!

Click here for a chance to WIN 5 Acclaim games of your choice!

You have received this email because your resume is posted on the Web. If you do not wish to receive future employment opportunities or information about us - we apologize for the interruption - please reply (including all original text) with Unsubscribe in the subject line or simply click here. |
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