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Re: PATCH Re: [ast-optimizer-branch]: Simplify STMT_EXPR's

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Jason Merrill wrote:

> In this patch I haven't tried to preserve source position information for
> inlined functions, because we don't support wrapping _STMTs in
> EXPR_WITH_FILE_LOCATION.  One obvious direction would be to support that.
> I don't see a good way to use FILE_STMT to handle this, as we aren't
> tracking source position during simplification.  On the other hand, perhaps
> we should be.
But we are, after a fashion.  When creating new _STMT nodes we
set their line number from the originating statement.  Would that

> I ran into trouble with bogus TREE_ANN information on statements in inlined
> functions; the annotation info is allocated using the GC code, but is never
> marked, which means that after the inline function has been compiled, all
> the TREE_ANN fields in its tree structure are pointing to freed memory.
> I've worked around this by clearing the aux field in copy_tree_r; a better
> fix would be to mark it properly for GC.
Yeah, I've been meaning to fix this for a while now.  It's mildly
annoying because we have to start marking a lot of structures
pointed by TREE_ANN (basic blocks, variable references, etc).

With your patch it shouldn't be necessary to guard against false
positives in the warnings we emit in simplyfy_expr_stmt.  Cool.


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