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Re: cfg merge part 19 - gcse tweek

> Hi,
> this is small patch from cfg-branch. It's purpose is to make gcse to drop
> REG_EQUAL note when it GCSEes out the real computation so the local passes
> won't lose track of what is going on.

> It helps to avoid negative results of my next GCSE patch to switch it
> into code hoisting functions (that patch needs liveness that is still
> discussed), but anyway this has small positive effect.

> Bootstrapped/regtested i386.
> Honza

> Mon May 27 13:53:16 CEST 2002  Jan Hubicka  <>
>         * gcse.c (gcse_emit_move_after): New.
> 	(pre_delete, hoist_store): Use it.

You delete the check to verify that the change is valid.  I don't see any
code that you have added to check validity before.  Worse, instead of
changing an instruction that is already valid, you generate an ad-hoc
instruction pattern, altogether ignoring the machine description.

Your patch break the SH newlib build; the first file that fails to build is
newlib/libm/math/ef_jn.c for -m3e

To reproduce the problem, you can compile the attached preprocessed file with
the options:
-fpreprocessed ef_jn.i -quiet -dumpbase ef_jn.c -m3e -g -O2 -version
-fno-builtin -o ef_jn.s

The problem is that gcse_emit_move_after, called from pre_delete creates an

(insn 858 467 468 25 (nil) (set (reg/v:SF 210)
        (reg:SF 258)) -1 (nil)

If you are trying to generate a move insn that 'just works', I suggest you look

2430 Aztec West / Almondsbury / BRISTOL / BS32 4AQ
T:+44 1454 462330
# 1 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/math/ef_jn.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command line>"
# 1 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/math/ef_jn.c"
# 16 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/math/ef_jn.c"
# 1 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/common/fdlibm.h" 1
# 15 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/common/fdlibm.h"
# 1 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 1 3 4
# 9 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 3 4
# 1 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 1 3 4
# 13 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4
# 1 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1 3 4
# 15 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 3 4
# 1 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 1 3 4
# 133 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 3 4
typedef short int __int16_t;
typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t;
# 167 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 3 4
typedef int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;

__extension__ typedef long long __int64_t;
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long __uint64_t;
# 16 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 2 3 4
# 14 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/_types.h" 1 3 4
# 12 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/_types.h" 3 4
typedef long _off_t;
typedef long _ssize_t;
# 15 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 2 3 4

typedef unsigned long __ULong;
# 36 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4
struct _glue
  struct _glue *_next;
  int _niobs;
  struct __sFILE *_iobs;

struct _Bigint
  struct _Bigint *_next;
  int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds;
  __ULong _x[1];

struct __tm
  int __tm_sec;
  int __tm_min;
  int __tm_hour;
  int __tm_mday;
  int __tm_mon;
  int __tm_year;
  int __tm_wday;
  int __tm_yday;
  int __tm_isdst;
# 71 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4
struct _atexit {
        struct _atexit *_next;
        int _ind;
        void (*_fns[32])(void);
        void *_fnargs[32];
        __uint32_t _fntypes;
# 94 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4
struct __sbuf {
        unsigned char *_base;
        int _size;

typedef long _fpos_t;
# 155 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4
struct __sFILE {
  unsigned char *_p;
  int _r;
  int _w;
  short _flags;
  short _file;
  struct __sbuf _bf;
  int _lbfsize;

  void * _cookie;

  int (*_read) (void * _cookie, char *_buf, int _n);
  int (*_write) (void * _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n);

  _fpos_t (*_seek) (void * _cookie, _fpos_t _offset, int _whence);
  int (*_close) (void * _cookie);

  struct __sbuf _ub;
  unsigned char *_up;
  int _ur;

  unsigned char _ubuf[3];
  unsigned char _nbuf[1];

  struct __sbuf _lb;

  int _blksize;
  int _offset;

  struct _reent *_data;

# 219 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4
struct _rand48 {
  unsigned short _seed[3];
  unsigned short _mult[3];
  unsigned short _add;

# 437 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4
struct _reent
  int _errno;

  struct __sFILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr;

  int _inc;
  char _emergency[25];

  int _current_category;
  const char *_current_locale;

  int __sdidinit;

  void (*__cleanup) (struct _reent *);

  struct _Bigint *_result;
  int _result_k;
  struct _Bigint *_p5s;
  struct _Bigint **_freelist;

  int _cvtlen;
  char *_cvtbuf;

          unsigned int _unused_rand;
          char * _strtok_last;
          char _asctime_buf[26];
          struct __tm _localtime_buf;
          int _gamma_signgam;
          __extension__ unsigned long long _rand_next;
          struct _rand48 _r48;
          int _mblen_state;
          int _mbtowc_state;
          int _wctomb_state;
          char _l64a_buf[8];
        } _reent;


          unsigned char * _nextf[30];
          unsigned int _nmalloc[30];
        } _unused;
    } _new;

  struct _atexit *_atexit;
  struct _atexit _atexit0;

  void (**(_sig_func))(int);

  struct _glue __sglue;
  struct __sFILE __sf[3];
# 603 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4
extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr ;

void _reclaim_reent (struct _reent *);
# 10 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1 3 4
# 11 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 2 3 4

union __dmath
  __uint32_t i[2];
  double d;

extern const union __dmath __infinity[];
# 36 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 3 4
extern double atan (double);
extern double cos (double);
extern double sin (double);
extern double tan (double);
extern double tanh (double);
extern double frexp (double, int *);
extern double modf (double, double *);
extern double ceil (double);
extern double fabs (double);
extern double floor (double);

extern double acos (double);
extern double asin (double);
extern double atan2 (double, double);
extern double cosh (double);
extern double sinh (double);
extern double exp (double);
extern double ldexp (double, int);
extern double log (double);
extern double log10 (double);
extern double pow (double, double);
extern double sqrt (double);
extern double fmod (double, double);

extern double infinity (void);
extern double nan (void);
extern int isnan (double);
extern int isinf (double);
extern int finite (double);
extern double copysign (double, double);
extern int ilogb (double);

extern double asinh (double);
extern double cbrt (double);
extern double nextafter (double, double);
extern double rint (double);
extern double scalbn (double, int);

extern double log1p (double);
extern double expm1 (double);

extern double acosh (double);
extern double atanh (double);
extern double remainder (double, double);
extern double gamma (double);
extern double gamma_r (double, int *);
extern double lgamma (double);
extern double lgamma_r (double, int *);
extern double erf (double);
extern double erfc (double);
extern double y0 (double);
extern double y1 (double);
extern double yn (int, double);
extern double j0 (double);
extern double j1 (double);
extern double jn (int, double);

extern double hypot (double, double);

extern double cabs();
extern double drem (double, double);
# 123 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 3 4
extern float atanf (float);
extern float cosf (float);
extern float sinf (float);
extern float tanf (float);
extern float tanhf (float);
extern float frexpf (float, int *);
extern float modff (float, float *);
extern float ceilf (float);
extern float fabsf (float);
extern float floorf (float);

extern float acosf (float);
extern float asinf (float);
extern float atan2f (float, float);
extern float coshf (float);
extern float sinhf (float);
extern float expf (float);
extern float ldexpf (float, int);
extern float logf (float);
extern float log10f (float);
extern float powf (float, float);
extern float sqrtf (float);
extern float fmodf (float, float);
# 155 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 3 4
extern float infinityf (void);
extern float nanf (void);
extern int isnanf (float);
extern int isinff (float);
extern int finitef (float);
extern float copysignf (float, float);
extern int ilogbf (float);

extern float asinhf (float);
extern float cbrtf (float);
extern float nextafterf (float, float);
extern float rintf (float);
extern float scalbnf (float, int);
extern float log1pf (float);
extern float expm1f (float);

extern float acoshf (float);
extern float atanhf (float);
extern float remainderf (float, float);
extern float gammaf (float);
extern float gammaf_r (float, int *);
extern float lgammaf (float);
extern float lgammaf_r (float, int *);
extern float erff (float);
extern float erfcf (float);
extern float y0f (float);
extern float y1f (float);
extern float ynf (int, float);
extern float j0f (float);
extern float j1f (float);
extern float jnf (int, float);

extern float hypotf (float, float);

extern float cabsf();
extern float dremf (float, float);

extern int *__signgam (void);
# 208 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 3 4
struct exception

  int type;
  char *name;
  double arg1;
  double arg2;
  double retval;
  int err;

extern int matherr (struct exception *e);
# 261 "/export/home/build/srcw/newlib/libc/include/math.h" 3 4
enum __fdlibm_version
  __fdlibm_ieee = -1,

extern const enum __fdlibm_version __fdlib_version;
# 16 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/common/fdlibm.h" 2
# 140 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/common/fdlibm.h"
extern double logb (double);

extern double scalb (double, double);

extern double significand (double);

extern double __ieee754_sqrt (double);
extern double __ieee754_acos (double);
extern double __ieee754_acosh (double);
extern double __ieee754_log (double);
extern double __ieee754_atanh (double);
extern double __ieee754_asin (double);
extern double __ieee754_atan2 (double,double);
extern double __ieee754_exp (double);
extern double __ieee754_cosh (double);
extern double __ieee754_fmod (double,double);
extern double __ieee754_pow (double,double);
extern double __ieee754_lgamma_r (double,int *);
extern double __ieee754_gamma_r (double,int *);
extern double __ieee754_log10 (double);
extern double __ieee754_sinh (double);
extern double __ieee754_hypot (double,double);
extern double __ieee754_j0 (double);
extern double __ieee754_j1 (double);
extern double __ieee754_y0 (double);
extern double __ieee754_y1 (double);
extern double __ieee754_jn (int,double);
extern double __ieee754_yn (int,double);
extern double __ieee754_remainder (double,double);
extern __int32_t __ieee754_rem_pio2 (double,double*);

extern double __ieee754_scalb (double,double);

extern double __kernel_standard (double,double,int);
extern double __kernel_sin (double,double,int);
extern double __kernel_cos (double,double);
extern double __kernel_tan (double,double,int);
extern int __kernel_rem_pio2 (double*,double*,int,int,int,const __int32_t*);

extern float logbf (float);

extern float scalbf (float, float);

extern float significandf (float);

extern float __ieee754_sqrtf (float);
extern float __ieee754_acosf (float);
extern float __ieee754_acoshf (float);
extern float __ieee754_logf (float);
extern float __ieee754_atanhf (float);
extern float __ieee754_asinf (float);
extern float __ieee754_atan2f (float,float);
extern float __ieee754_expf (float);
extern float __ieee754_coshf (float);
extern float __ieee754_fmodf (float,float);
extern float __ieee754_powf (float,float);
extern float __ieee754_lgammaf_r (float,int *);
extern float __ieee754_gammaf_r (float,int *);
extern float __ieee754_log10f (float);
extern float __ieee754_sinhf (float);
extern float __ieee754_hypotf (float,float);
extern float __ieee754_j0f (float);
extern float __ieee754_j1f (float);
extern float __ieee754_y0f (float);
extern float __ieee754_y1f (float);
extern float __ieee754_jnf (int,float);
extern float __ieee754_ynf (int,float);
extern float __ieee754_remainderf (float,float);
extern __int32_t __ieee754_rem_pio2f (float,float*);

extern float __ieee754_scalbf (float,float);

extern float __kernel_sinf (float,float,int);
extern float __kernel_cosf (float,float);
extern float __kernel_tanf (float,float,int);
extern int __kernel_rem_pio2f (float*,float*,int,int,int,const __int32_t*);
# 254 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/common/fdlibm.h"
typedef union
  double value;
    __uint32_t msw;
    __uint32_t lsw;
  } parts;
} ieee_double_shape_type;
# 341 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/common/fdlibm.h"
typedef union
  float value;
  __uint32_t word;
} ieee_float_shape_type;
# 17 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/math/ef_jn.c" 2

static const float

invsqrtpi= 5.6418961287e-01,
two = 2.0000000000e+00,
one = 1.0000000000e+00;

static const float zero = 0.0000000000e+00;

        float __ieee754_jnf(int n, float x)

        __int32_t i,hx,ix, sgn;
        float a, b, temp, di;
        float z, w;

        do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (hx) = gf_u.word; } while (0);
        ix = 0x7fffffff&hx;

        if(((ix)>0x7f800000L)) return x+x;
                n = -n;
                x = -x;
                hx ^= 0x80000000;
        if(n==0) return(__ieee754_j0f(x));
        if(n==1) return(__ieee754_j1f(x));
        sgn = (n&1)&(hx>>31);
        x = fabsf(x);
            b = zero;
        else if((float)n<=x) {

            a = __ieee754_j0f(x);
            b = __ieee754_j1f(x);
                temp = b;
                b = b*((float)(i+i)/x) - a;
                a = temp;
        } else {
            if(ix<0x30800000) {

                    b = zero;
                else {
                    temp = x*(float)0.5; b = temp;
                    for (a=one,i=2;i<=n;i++) {
                        a *= (float)i;
                        b *= temp;
                    b = b/a;
            } else {
# 116 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/math/ef_jn.c"
                float t,v;
                float q0,q1,h,tmp; __int32_t k,m;
                w = (n+n)/(float)x; h = (float)2.0/(float)x;
                q0 = w; z = w+h; q1 = w*z - (float)1.0; k=1;
                while(q1<(float)1.0e9) {
                        k += 1; z += h;
                        tmp = z*q1 - q0;
                        q0 = q1;
                        q1 = tmp;
                m = n+n;
                for(t=zero, i = 2*(n+k); i>=m; i -= 2) t = one/(i/x-t);
                a = t;
                b = one;
# 138 "../../../../../../srcw/newlib/libm/math/ef_jn.c"
                tmp = n;
                v = two/x;
                tmp = tmp*__ieee754_logf(fabsf(v*tmp));
                if(tmp<(float)8.8721679688e+01) {
                        temp = b;
                        b *= di;
                        b = b/x - a;
                        a = temp;
                        di -= two;
                } else {
                        temp = b;
                        b *= di;
                        b = b/x - a;
                        a = temp;
                        di -= two;

                        if(b>(float)1e10) {
                            a /= b;
                            t /= b;
                            b = one;
                b = (t*__ieee754_j0f(x)/b);
        if(sgn==1) return -b; else return b;

        float __ieee754_ynf(int n, float x)

        __int32_t i,hx,ix,ib;
        __int32_t sign;
        float a, b, temp;

        do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (hx) = gf_u.word; } while (0);
        ix = 0x7fffffff&hx;

        if(((ix)>0x7f800000L)) return x+x;
        if(((ix)==0)) return -one/zero;
        if(hx<0) return zero/zero;
        sign = 1;
                n = -n;
                sign = 1 - ((n&1)<<1);
        if(n==0) return(__ieee754_y0f(x));
        if(n==1) return(sign*__ieee754_y1f(x));
        if(((ix)==0x7f800000L)) return zero;

        a = __ieee754_y0f(x);
        b = __ieee754_y1f(x);

        do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (b); (ib) = gf_u.word; } while (0);
            temp = b;
            b = ((float)(i+i)/x)*b - a;
            do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (b); (ib) = gf_u.word; } while (0);
            a = temp;
        if(sign>0) return b; else return -b;

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