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Re: [3.1] More regressions on S/390 - revert lib64 patch

Alan Modra wrote:

>%{m32: /usr/local/lib/ /lib/ /usr/lib/} \
>%{!m32: /usr/local/lib64/ /lib64/ /usr/lib64/}"

Yes, I like that ;-)  This makes much more sense.

>Some notes:  The configure change is obviously incomplete as regards
>target lists.  It's there because we want to distinguish a "real"
>cross-compiler, say x86-linux -> powerpc64-linux where we don't want
>to mess around looking in /lib64, and a sort-of-native cross-compiler
>like powerpc-linux -> powerpc64-linux, where we know ppc64 libs can
>be found in /lib64.

I'm not quite sure yet how the compile process should look like
from a user's perspective in a proper bi-arch system.  What you'd
presumably want is to be able to use existing build processes
with no (or at least only very localized) changes.

In particular, I'd like to be able to build s390 (31-bit) RPMs on a
s390x (64-bit) system without modifying the .spec files.

Do you think this should be done by having a real cross-compiler
(maybe in a 'native-cross' variant)?  Or rather just use the -m32/-m64
options?  Or maybe even autodetect based on the current personality
(on a Linux system)?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best Regards

Ulrich Weigand

  Dr. Ulrich Weigand
  Linux for S/390 Design & Development
  IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, Schoenaicher Str. 220, 71032 Boeblingen
  Phone: +49-7031/16-3727   ---   Email:

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