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Re: Cpp patches for VMS

On Sun, Nov 18, 2001 at 02:01:26PM +0000, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> > The C library is required to accomodate the user #undef-ing any
> > identifier that is not specifically described by the standard as a
> > macro.  strcmp falls into this category.  If VMS' <string.h> is not
> > standard compliant we'll have to deal, but I very much suspect this is
> > unnecessary.
> In this case, we should be able just to remove the #undef anyway, since
> cpplib was fixed not to give the -Wtraditional warning for macros defined
> in system headers.

I had forgotten that.  Yes, let's just remove the #undef.

> > I'm aware that VMS inodes are not scalar types, but I would prefer
> > that you add another macro similar to INO_T_EQ (at the top of the
> > file) rather than incurring function-call overhead on non-VMS
> > systems.  Call it INO_T_COPY.  It'd be nice if you would update the
> > comment there to say more specifically what a VMS ino_t is.
> GCC's built-in memcpy should optimize away the function call here, so
> there shouldn't be any function-call overhead.

This doesn't always work.  Also, I think that if we're going to abstract
one ino_t operation with a macro, we should abstract all of them, for


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