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  In message <>you write:
  > > The GNU Coding standards still contain this paragraph:
  > > 
  > >  There's no need to make change log entries for documentation files. This
  >  is because documentation is not susceptible to
  > >  bugs that are hard to fix. Documentation does not consist of parts that 
  > must interact in a precisely engineered fashion.
  > >  To correct an error, you need not know the history of the erroneous pass
  > age; it is enough to compare what the
  > >  documentation says with the way the program actually works. 
  > > 
  > > If that is not longer to be followed, we should take it out.
  > The relevant coding standards are the GCC ones (codingconventions.html)  
  > which require ChangeLog entries for documentation.
Right.  While the GNU project does not require doc changes to be mentioned
in the ChangeLog, they do not forbid them.  The GCC project does require doc
changes to be mentioned in the ChangeLog.

The two policies are compatible and when working on GCC the GCC coding
conventions should be followed.


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