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Re: [patch]: stamp fixed headers

Bruce Korb <bkorb@sco.COM> writes:

> This is an example from the testing directory.
> Real files will have full path names.  I cannot
> insert the:
>   #pragma GCC depends "..."  go fish
> yet because I need to figure a way to insert it inside
> the "#ifndef" guard.  Non-trivial.

I assume that this pragma would look something like

#pragma GCC fixincluded "/usr/include/stdio.h" 87056780

where the last thing is some kind of timestamp, so that you can tell
if the header has been changed since fixincludes was run.

In that case, you could simply put it at the top of the file,
and teach CPP that it counts as whitespace for the purposes of
the multiple-include checking.

- Geoffrey Keating <>

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