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Re: alias patch

  In message <>you write:
  > #include <stdio.h>
  > void main( void )
  > {
  >         int i = 0 , j ;
  >         int a[2] = { 0, 1 } ;
  >         while ( i == 0 ){
  >                 a[0] = 2 ;      
  >                 for ( j = 1 ; j < 2 ; j++) {
  >                         a[j] = a[j-1] ;
  >                 }
  >                 i++ ;
  >         }
  >         if( a[1] == 2 ) {
  >                 printf( "%-12s %04d:OK \n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ) ;
  >         } else {
  >                 printf( "%-12s %04d:NG (a[1,2]-->a[%d,%d])\n",
  >                          __FILE__,__LINE__,a[0],a[1]) ;
  >         }
  > }
Can you please turn this into a standard testcase so that we can include
it in our regression testsuite.

Note that main's return value/argument types are incorrect and should be

  > I have come up with the patch with the help of Geoff Keating which fixes 
  > this problem.
  > It is okay to apply.
  > Thanks
  > Chandra
  > 	alias.c (find_base_value) : Added more checks to return reg_base_value.
I'm not rejecting or accepting it right now, because I think you need to
give us some explanation why this patch fixes the bug.


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