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Re: PATCH RFC: stdio optimization

 > From: Jeffrey A Law <>
 > I'm not sure how often we'll find an fputc->putc optimization opportunity, 
 > but it can happen.

The gcc sources have 647 calls to fputc.  There are also around 250
places in the sources where fprintf is called with a one character
constant string or with a "%c" format string.  Another 65 places where
fputs is called with a one character constant string.  My goal is to
get these one character fprintfs/fputs to transform to the expansion
of the putc macro like this: fprintf->builtin_fputs->builtin_fputc.

I'm starting with the lowest common denomenator and working my way

 >  Note that you can't blindly turn every fputc into a
 > builtin -- consider if fputc is used as an argument to a function.  In fact,
 > that is one of the main reasons why fputc exists in the first place.

Yes I know.  I believe the builtin mechanism won't mess with the code
when you take the address of a function.  Otherwise all the current
builtins (like strcpy, etc) would fail on this too.

 >   > I had to fake this by using a ptr_type_node.  It seems to work, but
 >   > please double check where I set fputc_ftype whether this is correct or
 >   > not.
 > That will probably work OK until you actually try to use it to implement
 > putc :-)  There's probably also issues with C++ here.

I don't intend to implement putc, the inline container will obtain it
for me.

Perhaps C++ will have a problem, I don't know.  I'll check into that
once I get it working for C.

 >   > 3.  How do I properly setup gcc to insert an *inline* function once
 >   > I've trapped the place where the original goes?
 > You must have already seen an implementation of the function *before* the
 > call site where you wish to inline it.

I already did that, that's what the __gcc_builtin_fputc_via_putc
function is supposed to do.  I think Gavin's reply might explain the

 >   > I think if we can settle these issues, this first optimization will
 >   > work.
 > My gut tells me to go after printf -> puts first since you can avoid the
 > FILE * issue.  It'll limit you in some ways, but you can start building
 > the pieces you need and still get something useful out of the optimization
 > while you're building the rest of the pieces.
 > For printf->puts conversion you'd want to verify that the string has no format
 > chars and ends in a newline.  You'd want to pass a modified version of the
 > string (no newline) to puts.
 > jeff

Yup, working on it.  Here are the initial tranformations I intend to do.

printf ("string\n"); -> builtin_puts (string);
fprintf (stream, "string"); -> builtin_fputs ("string", stream);
sprintf (buf, "string"); -> builtin_strcpy (buf, "string");

(The above transformations are only valid if "string" does not contain
"%%".  Or I could pass "string" to asprintf at compile time to resolve
these automatically.  Yes I think I'll do that.)

printf ("%s\n", foo);  -> builtin_puts (foo);
fputs ("x", stream); -> builtin_fputc ('x', stream);
fputc ('x', stream); -> expanded_putc_macro ('x', stream);

    Given that I can already replace a call to one extern function
with another extern one, all the above should be doable.  The only
issue I can see is maintaining the same return value sematics.  The
*printf functions already match *puts in returning the number of
characters printed.  The trick will be with fputs->fputc and
sprintf->strcpy.  I may need more inline wrappers to handle these two
so I have control over the return value.

Kaveh R. Ghazi			Engagement Manager / Project Services		Qwest Internet Solutions

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