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Re: [PATCH] sparc64-linux multilibs]

   From: Dan Nicolaescu <>
   Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1999 14:06:09 -0800

   I think at least _bb.o from libgcc.a should be built with

   Some of the __bb_* functions are not allowed to change the state of
   the processor, if they use they use the app-regs then the
   MACHINE_SAVE_STATE macro hould save those registers too.

   What is the allowed use  of app-regs anywhay? At some point I was
   looking for some info about this, but I didn't find anything...

You have to be careful.  The whole point behind app-regs is that
this way a thread library implementation can keep pointers to
thread-specific data in a few globals, if you do this for _bb.o
then you cannot use it for threaded programs.

But like Richard said, use profile-arcs instead for this stuff.

David S. Miller

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