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Re: C++ PATCH for GC

On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Mark Mitchell wrote:
> Here's a fateful patch: GC is now enabled in the C++ compiler.  If
> you notice C++ regressions, or bootstrap failures, please let me know.

Out of a sudden, the following snippet 

  template <class T>
  class TLITERAL : public T 
      int x;

  class ATOM  { int y; };
  class GATOM;

  typedef TLITERAL<ATOM>            LITERAL;
  typedef TLITERAL<GATOM>           GLITERAL;

results in the following error message In instantiation of `TLITERAL<GATOM>':   instantiated from here base class `GATOM' has incomplete type

while it used to work fine with all versions of EGCS and current CVS.
Due to bootstrap problems I cannot say when this started, but it's a
fairly recent change.

Gerald "Jerry"

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