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Re: Bug in local spilling code

On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 10:48:09AM +0100, Bernd Schmidt wrote:
> WIth this patch, the actual nonlocal goto performs better, but the setup
> overhead in the function containing the nonlocal label is increased.
> Functions that only contain one or two nonlocal labels should benefit from
> this change; this is less likely for functions that have more such labels.

We can reduce that by not tucking those labels into memory.  That also
gives us the oppurtunity to turn them into direct jumps on those machines
that can jump "arbitrarily" far.

BTW, anyone ever notice that nonlocal goto and alloca can not coexist?
This isn't new to your patch, and I don't know that we care so very
deeply.  Certainly I can't think of a nice way around it.


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