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Re: GCC 7.1, cygwin, undefined reference to ___divmoddi4

On 2017/5/8 7:52, Thomas Plank wrote:
JonY wrote:
Looks like something wrong with libgcc? Check the libgcc symbols from
7.1.0 and the installed version. Not sure if you can workaround by
installing libgcc first.

I solved in in the way, that I took the oppurtunity to switch to
cygwin64 and start completely from scratch.
So my ~15 year old cygwin installation got refreshed.

Compilation worked with the new setup without problems.

This function is used to divide two 64-bit integers on i686, but not on x86_64 because of hardware support for 64-bit division. It is available in libgcc unless we are building the CRT (winpthreads is also sufferring from this problem). I am not familiar with cygwin, but despite that I think mingw-w64 could provide it.

Best regards,

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