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backtrace a segfault


I'm working on a large parallel fortran application which give (sometime) a segfault. When this error occurs I would like to backtrace the call stack to know where it takes place but I'm unable to get this information, no more than a list of memory addresses. I've build a small test-case (with an error in array dimension creating a segmentation fault in a subroutine ) to investigate gfortran/gcc options.

With gcc version 4.8.2 using options "-g -fbacktrace -gdwarf-3" I get
Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7F99F71A9AC7
#1  0x7F99F71AA0CE
#2  0x7F99F67A9B2F
Segmentation fault

but addr2line -e ./plante 0x7F99F71AA0CE
returns: ??:0

What have I missed ?



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