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Re: (with ++ / --)

On 4 July 2014 08:33, Fabian Cenedese wrote:
>>> Nothing defined
>>> implementation of the passage of a function settings. But it turns out that
>>> in the case of gcc, they are pushed onto the stack from right to left.
>>I think it depends on the hardware architecture.
>>> As it
>>> has been since the dawn of time in Savannah, it is definitely impossible to
>>> change this state of affairs in gnou. Thus be it!
>>>     So my question is: reverse the order of parameters (shock me, but) make
>>> functional! What about you? Portability?
>>I don't understand the question.
> He probably means that if he reverses the argument order (like a+=1, b, a) then
> he'd get the desired result. But as you mentioned it probably depends on the
> hardware and compiler so it is not portable.
> I'd say this is undefined behaviour and could be solved like
> c=a;
> foo(c, b, a+=1);        // order of evaluation not important

Agreed, that is a safe and portable way to do it.

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