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Re: How can I tune gcc to move up simple common subexpression?

On 11/08/13 02:28, Konstantin Vladimirov wrote:
typedef struct
   unsigned prev;
   unsigned next;
} foo_t;

foo( unsigned x, unsigned y)
     foo_t *ptr = (foo_t *)((void *)x);

     if (y != 0)
          ptr->prev = y;
          ptr->next = x;
          ptr->prev = 0; /* or explicitly ptr->prev = y; no difference */
          ptr->next = 0;
Umm, you can't hoist ptr->prev before the conditional because that would change the meaning of this code.

I think you wanted the conditional to test y == 0 which exposes the code hoisting opportunity for the ptr->prev assignment. Once you fix the testcase the code in jump2 will hoist the assignment resulting in:

        testl   %esi, %esi
        movl    %edi, %eax
        movl    $0, (%edi)
        je      .L5
        movl    $0, 4(%rax)
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        movl    %edi, 4(%rax)


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