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Re: stl_list undefined error in compiling mysql

[-gcc, -gcc-bugs (via bcc)]

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Edward Peschko <> wrote:
> All,
> Got the following error in compiling the latest version of mysql
> (mysql-5.6.13). I'm not sure if this is a gcc problem or a mysql
> problem, but it looked very standard library related, so I thought I'd
> point it out here.

IMO your question is more appropriate to gcc-help.

> I look at the stl_list.h file and see it is in an #if block, with
> #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
> #
> evaluating as false even though the version of gcc is 4.8.1. Doing a:
> gcc -dM -E /tmp/test.p
> shows __cplusplus defined as:
> #define __cplusplus 199711L
> which is clearly wrong for 4.8.1 (isn't it?)

GCC defaults to C++98 mode.  Use -std=c++11 to request C++11 mode.
However, it's possible that you just have a linking problem (which
still isn't topical for, or the bugs list), possibly
because of mismatched libraries.

-- James

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