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Re: x86 FPU code, extra fxch instruction

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Václav Zeman <> wrote:
> I am wondering if there are not some improvements that could be made in
> generation of x86 FPU code. Here is a simple sign function:
> float signf4(float x)
> {
>   return x < 0.0f
>     ? -1.0f
>     : 1.0f;
> }
> It generates the following assembler code (GCC 4.7.2, g++ -m32 -O3
> -fverbose-asm -save-temps -g3 -ggdb -march=native):
> _Z6signf4f:
> .LFB84:
>         .loc 1 27 0
>         .cfi_startproc
> .LVL4:
>         .loc 1 30 0
>         fld1
>         fldz
>         flds    4(%esp) # x
>         fxch    %st(1)  # ??? Why?
>         fucomip %st(1), %st     #,
>         ffreep  %st(0)  #
>         fld1
>         fchs
>         fcmovbe %st(1), %st     #,,
>         fstp    %st(1)  #
>         .loc 1 31 0
>         ret
> I am wondering why is the fxch instruction necessary and why is the code
> not instead like this?
> _Z6signf4f:
> .LFB84:
>         .loc 1 27 0
>         .cfi_startproc
> .LVL4:
>         .loc 1 30 0
>         fld1
>         flds    4(%esp) # ??? Load the parameter before the zero.
>         fldz            # ??? to avoid the fxch instruction.
>         fucomip %st(1), %st     #,
> [...]

I don't know.  Please open a bug report as described at .  Thanks.

Note that the 387 floating point operations are not high priority
these days, as it is generally better to use SSE.


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