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Re: GCC libraries for working with images/pictures? writes:

> which libraries are used for working with JPEG or GIF images in GCC?
> I'm looking on yours page
> (
> but I can't find any info about image/picture editing/processing?
> If gcc dont have any image processing libraries can you can recommencement
> me some Apache2 or LGPL license libraries which are used for image editing?
> (I'm working on some cgi-bin script which is generating images on request)

This is the wrong place to ask that question.  GCC is a compiler.  It
does not provide any library for working with images.  Libstdc++ is
GCC's version of the C++ library as described in the C++ language
standard.  The C++ language standard does not define any image
processing libraries, so GCC does not include any.

There are various libraries around for images.  E.g., ImageMagick has a
C++ API.  I don't personally have any experience with any of these
libraries and I can't recommend one.


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