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Re: std=c99 and strdup

Jeffrey Walton <> writes:

> I'm getting "warning: implicit declaration of function âstrdupâ".
> The man pages tell me to include string.h. In string.h (which is included):
> #if defined __USE_SVID || defined __USE_BSD || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
> /* Duplicate S, returning an identical malloc'd string.  */
> extern char *strdup (__const char *__s)
>      __THROW __attribute_malloc__ __nonnull ((1));
> #endif
> I feel like I'm missing something since strdup is guarded with
> library/operating system macros. Can anyone point out my mistake? Or
> should I just declare it extern myself?

I assume you are using GNU/Linux or some other glibc-based system.  Try
using -D_GNU_SOURCE when you compile.


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