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Re: Re : [GCC front end] trying to install sample_fe but fail in make


I am not quite sure what your trying to achieve at the moment if you
copy the python front-end folder into a base gcc the resulting
compiler won't work since you also need libgpython at the toplevel the
runtime library which the generated code needs linked against. So i
suggest follow these instructions:

$ git clone git://
$ git branch test
$ git checkout test
$ git merge python
$ git merge documentation

Then try and compile... make sure you can compile gcc normaly from a
tarball or something so we can be sure there isn't some error on our
side with libmpc checks.

You should now have gcalc and gccpy, though i reckon gcalc may fail
compilation since the langhooks have have changed slightly, but i'll
check and fix it soon, i took a few days off there since friday. Back
hacking now though :)

Hope this helps, sorry for the late reply.


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