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Re: GCC assmbler for powerpc-eabi

On 04/05/2009 05:20 PM, marian Szczepkowski wrote:
Sure, this is what I have as a test as I wanted to look at function call
overhead, and the compiler used is "powerpc-eabi-gcc (eCosCentric GNU
tools 4.3.2-sw) 4.3.2", after a bunch of messing around I ended up using
this to invike the compiler, not that it seemed to make any difference,
"powerpc-eabi-gcc -S println.c  -finline-functions -fbtr-bb-exclusive
-fdefer-pop -fwhole-progr". I lay no claim to brilliance with compiler
options I was primarily just trying to see if the options had any

I tried this on my box.

A few notes:
o The compiler barfed until I swapped the #define and the #include
o The -finline-functions switch has no effect until one specifies the -O3 switch. From TFM:

     Integrate all simple functions into their callers.  The compiler
     heuristically decides which functions are simple enough to be worth
     integrating in this way.

     If all calls to a given function are integrated, and the function
     is declared `static', then the function is normally not output as
     assembler code in its own right.

Enabled at level `-O3'.

#define unsigned int size_t


char *pstr ="42";

void myCall(char *cptr)
	sprintf(cptr,"Hello baby %f %u", atoi(pstr),atof(pstr));

void main(int argc, char **argv)
char cptr[32];
/* END */

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