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Re: Newbie: Help with Makefile

Hi there,

First off, you'd better be asking this kinda stuff on the apropriate mailinglist.
Concerning the gcc part: obviously you lack a -l<libname> statement, because you have undefined symbols (I assume -lgdal or -l GDAL). If the lib is not in the search path, you'll need to add an -L statement aswell.
Your '' is autogenerated - obviously via automake. So, the place to start, is the to fix things, or, if you are using autoconf aswell, your (or The right place to ask such things would be an autotools mailinglist.



Greg Ederer schrieb:

I'm trying to compile a program called StarSpan using gcc on my Mac OS X machine. StarSpan depends on a library called GDAL. When I first tried to configure/make StarSpan, it complained about not being able to find gdal.h. So, I found gdal.h on my system, and added a -I entry to Now, make gets a lot further. Currently, I'm getting:

Undefined symbols:
"GDALDataset::RasterIO(GDALRWFlag, int, int, int, int, void*, int, int, GDALDataType, int, int*, int, int, int)", referenced from:
RasterizeObserver::addPixel(TraversalEvent&) in starspan_rasterize.o

(many more lines)

I have found the .cpp file (gdaldataset.cpp) that contains GDALDataset::RasterIO, which is part of the GDAL source distribution. But, I'm not sure where the binary containing this symbol resides. I'm also not sure where/how to add a -L entry in once I find the needed library.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

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