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Re: Should it be reported as a bug? (-O2 and cmpxchg instruction)

Martin Sustrik wrote:
Andrew Haley wrote:
Please don't top-post.

Martin Sustrik wrote:

Thanks for prompt response. However, I am not sure how to use the earlyclobber modifier - this is actually the first gcc inline asembly code I've ever written.

Do you mean that I should add '&' sign to every operand in input operand list, or should I add the sign when using the operands or what?

Use "=&a" on the first operand.
Ok, I've modified the code this way:

           __asm__ volatile (
               "lock; cmpxchgl %1, %3\n\t"
               "jz 1f\n\t"
               "mov %2, %%eax\n\t"
               "lock; xchgl %%eax, %3\n\t"
               : "=&a" (oldval)
               : "r" (thenval_), "r" (elseval_), "m" (value), "0" (0)

Ah, maybe I told you wrong: I see that Opernad 0 is also an input. Sorry.

: "memory", "cc");

However, the generated code is exactly the same as before.

I certainly don't get that. Please post a complete test case, with assembly output. We also need to know exactly your version of gcc.


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