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I miss a gcc warning

Hi all,

Porting an application to x86_64 I found a line, where I assign an
uintptr_t to an unsigned int an I wondered why I didnt get any
I definitely  remember that I got warnings in such cases before so I
tried to add some stupid lines to the code to get the warning, but I
couldn't make the code bad enough.

Is it a gcc-issue? or I forget to add some -Wxxx switches? Or gcc
should't wanr me in case of uintptr_t to <some small> cast?

My gcc is based on gcc-4.1.2 but I have no more informaton about it.

My flags are these:

My original code was like this:

extern uintptr_t externfn();

struct data {
   unsigned int member;

int fn()
  data.member = externfn(); // I dont get any warning, this is my problem
  return (int) data;  // I got warning here

Later I tried to modify the fn() to get the warning, so now it looks like this:
int fn()
  char c;
  uintptr_t p = malloc(1);     // I get a warning because of implicit
void* to integer cast
  c = p;
      // NO WARNING;
 return c;                             // to use c

Thanks in advance,

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