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Using --with-sysroot and the location of system headers

When I make a cross compiler, I typically use --prefix=/tmp/root and
--with-sysroot=/tmp/root.  When I am building x86_64-pc-mingw32 from
an x86_64-pc-linux machine, and I don't pu tthe target system headers
anywhere, gcc fails saying that they need to be located in
/tmp/root/mingw/include.  So basically, it is looking in

Ok.  But then, when I take the same machine and try to build
i686-pc-cygwin as the target, and I don't put the headers in the tree
(so that I can see the same error message), gcc fails saying that they
need to be located in /tmp/root/usr/include.

So then I tried doing the same scenario with a target of
i686-pc-mingw32.  This time, it looks in the /tmp/root/mingw/include
directory as in the first example.

Why is this?

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