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Re: Can I avoid "shift count is negative" warning? (involves template parameter)

On 03/05/07, John Love-Jensen <> wrote:
Hi Phil,

You can avoid it by using specialization.

For a 32-bit int, that would be 32 positive, and 32 negative

Maybe a bit much, but it'd work.


I think something like this should work, without needing so many

template <int a, bool n = a<0>
struct rshift_by;
template <int a>
struct rshift_by<a, true> {
   static int shift(int b) { return b << -a; }
template <int a>
struct rshift_by<a, false> {
   static int shift(int b) { return b >> a; }

template <int a>
int shift (int b)
 return rshift_by<a>::shift(b);

int f()
 return shift<1>(1);
 return shift<-1>(1);

It also avoids the if branch on the compile-time constant, though GCC
is quite good at optimizing those. (IIRC some other compilers (MSVC)
whine about it, though.)

~ Scott McMurray

P.S. I love how the template syntax gives a<0>, don't you?

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