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Re: Inline assembly and ldm/stm

"Bryce Schober" <> writes:

> So how should I go about wrapping ldm / stm for usage in C land?
> I tried:
> typedef struct
> {
>     UNS_32 reg[2];
> } arm_2_registers_t;
> static inline
> arm_2_registers_t arm_2_registers_load(
>     UNS_32 *src_addr_ptr )
> {
>     arm_2_registers_t result;
>     __asm__ (
>         "ldmia    %0, {%1,%2}    \n\t"
>         : "+r" (src_addr_ptr), "=r" (result.reg[0]), "=r" (result.reg[1])
>     );
>     return( result );
> }
> That seems to work fine until the compiler decides to use registers
> for %1 and %2 that aren't in ascending order. I've examined the
> assembly constraints and I don't see anything obvious.

There is in general no way to do that.



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