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Re: gcc exception handle


extern "C" {

class A { public: private: char string[SIZE]; };

void test1(void) { A obj; try { throw obj; } catch (A &e) { printf(" exception ! \n "); } }

}//extern "C"

when I define "obj" as a global variable ,static variable or dynamic variable(allocate space with "malloc") ,there is no error occured;but when I define "obj" as a local variable in stack area,program will crash.

Is the reason that the size of variable "obj" is bigger than the stack size?
Does the setjmp/longjmp exception handling mechanism have bugs ?

My gcc version is gcc4.1.1 and my compiler is a cross compiler with TARGET=sh-elf,HOST=i686-pc-cygwin,BUILD=i686-pc-cygwin.

expecting your answer.


From: Andrew Haley <>
To: 王 刚伟 <>
Subject: Re: gcc exception handle
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:11:36 +0000

?瞻 writes:
> Hi,
> Here is My test function :
> class A
> {
> public:
> private:
> char string[SIZE];
> };
> void test1(void)
> {
> A obj;
> try
> {
> throw obj;
> }
> catch (A &e)
> {
> printf("exception ! \n");
> }
> }
> when SIZE <= 68,"__cxa_allocate_exception" allocates space for the
> exception successfully,after "__cxa_throw" is
called,"__cxa_begin_catch" is
> called,and the statement "printf..." in the catch block can be
> when SIZE > 68, ,"__cxa_allocate_exception" also allocates space for
> exception successfully,but after "__cxz_throw" is
> is called,and the program crashed.

Works for me. What arch, what compiler version, etc.


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