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Re: Curious segmentation fault... SOLVED

Shriramana Sharma writes:
 > Tuesday 23 May 2006 19:10 samaye, Andrew Haley alekhiit:
 > > You call swe_fixstar with the argument 0 (star) = spicanaama.
 > > swe_fixstar does
 > >   sprintf(star, "%s,%s", cpos[0], cpos[1])
 > > so, it overwrites its input argument (spicanaama).  But spicanaama
 > > isn't big enough to contain the resulting string, so it overwites the
 > > next variable, which is grahanaama[0].
 > Thanks. Changing the size of spicanaama to 41 solved the problem.

In the version you posted it was 

  char spicanaama[] = "Spica";

which is 6 bytes long.

It is unfortunate that the string that is the first argument of
swe_fixstar is used as an input and then it is overwritten.  That
isn't your fault, of course, but it is bad style and leads to bugs
such as this one.


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