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gcov testing


We've an application containing 5 modules (*.a) linked into 1 executable. We compiled one of the modules with the gcov flags and
are keen to test it

We ran the executable a number of times then navigated down the dirs to the gcov enabled source files . When we ran the gcov tool we got the following

$ gcov hww_vlan_and_l2_forwarding.c
hww_vlan_and_l2_forwarding.gcda:cannot open data file

This dir contains
hww_vlan_and_l2_forwarding.c         hww_vlan_l2fwd_private.c.
hww_vlan_and_l2_forwarding.gcno      hww_vlan_l2fwd_private.gcno
hww_vlan_and_l2_forwarding.o         hww_vlan_l2fwd_private.o

but no *.gcda files
-I couldn't locate any advice on the man pages/manuals on how to proceed - If you have any details or section in a manual covering this scenario we'd be very grateful

best rgds, Charlie Nugent

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